Justice, Justice Shall you pursue (Deuteronomy)
At HBT, we bring our energy and commitment to stand up for social, racial and economic justice to make a better world for our families, our communities and around the globe. The Tikkun Olam Committee responds to concerns by members and initiatives raised by other Jewish and Greater Boston organizations. We step up to help pursue voting rights, criminal justice reform, racial justice, women’s reproductive freedom, LGBTQ+ rights and immigrant needs through:
Beth Karp, HBT congregant holds, sign reading ‘Count Every Vote’ at an HBT rally for fair and free elections
Legislative advocacy at the state and federal levels
Rallies and public forums
2024 Protect our Democracy/ Protect the Vote
There is an urgent need to protect our democracy and voting rights. Current Supreme Court decisions have put our democracy in greater jeopardy. We partner with the Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) and other voting rights groups to promote voter empowerment and fair elections, overcoming voter suppression and misinformation. HBT’s “Democracy Warriors” are writing letters to boost turn-out for progressive policies in 2024. We are also joining JALSA’s campaign to oppose the Heritage Foundation Project 2025–an aggressive blueprint to fundamentally alter our country’s future and overturn long-standing government protections. Some of our members join phonebanking sessions speaking directly to voters and hearing their concerns. This work is transformative and directly engages in the democratic process.
Learn about one member’s fight for voting rights.
Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO)
HBT members support GBIO’s 30+ congregations and community groups that build relationships and organize progressive legislative campaigns to serve communities by building collective power. Campaigns have focused on: Affordable Housing, Access to Mental Health Services, Criminal Justice Reform and Support for Returning Citizens.
The Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) engages Jewish congregations in statewide coalitions, to fight for Income Equality, Reproductive Rights, Location Shield protections against GPS data mining, Voting Rights and Meals for School Children. We have been long-standing partners in JALSA’s campaigns.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Anti-racist work
We support HBT’s commitment to racial justice and have held programs on Anti-semitism and Anti-racism. Our GBIO campaigns are collective efforts to help improve living conditions for people of color and those on the economic margins.
Support for Immigrants
Environmental and political violence and instability around the world leads migrants to undertake major risks to leave their countries to seek safety and security and better lives for their families in the U.S. We counter those who demonize immigrants and seek to follow the Jewish teaching lessons of our experience as a people to “welcome the stranger.” We helped support an Afghan refugee family with Congregation Dorshei Tzedek. We have also undertaken donation drives to meet immediate material needs of immigrants in the State. With the Avodah Committee we plan the annual HIAS Refugee Shabbat to raise awareness.
Yom Kippur Learning
We regularly organize a Tikkun Olam reflection session during the Yom Kippur afternoon break in services.
Mothers Day Walk for Peace
We march annually as a contingent and raise funds for the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute services, advocacy and training to create more peaceful communities in Greater Boston.TIKKUN OLAM – SOCIAL ACTION
HBT Tikkun Olam Member, Lisa Berelson, talks about her work to protect voters’ rights.
‘Children asking everyone to be nice and fair at an HBT rally promoting equality and justice’