Purim is just days away! Thank you to those already spreading the word about fulfilling Matanot LaEvyonim (gifts for those in need) on Purim with Yad Chessed

Yad Chessed makes it easy to fulfill this Purim mitzvah by collecting funds and distributing vouchers to families in need which can be used on Purim Day to purchase food. Eighty percent of funds raised are utilized on Purim Day, and the remaining twenty percent are used to assist people in need throughout the year. 

If you haven’t yet, there’s still time to participate: 

  1. Notify Your Community of this mitzvah opportunity: Use our template language in your final Purim emails or print this flyer. Encourage online donations at givebutter.com/YadChessedPurim2025

  2. Collect & Report Funds now through 11am on Purim Day (3/14/25): Funds should be sent to Yad Chessed and/or pledges communicated by calling (781) 613-3413 or emailing pledge amounts to info@yadchessed.org.

    Pledges represent the tally of checks and cash a synagogue or organization has in-hand but has not yet sent to the Yad Chessed Office. See this information sheet for full instructions on how to send funds or submit your organization's pledge. 

Questions? Please email Yad chessed at info@yadchessed.org

Posted on March 10, 2025 .