Check out the Rosh Hashanah edition of MaNishtanah
Remote/Virtual High Holy Day Resources
Learn more about picking up Machzors, following the service and using Zoom during services.
Creating a Holy Space in your home
Are you participating remotely in High Holy Days? To experience the depth of contemplation of the Yamim nora’im (Days of Awe), create a sanctuary in your own home.
Donate to Feed the Hungry and End Hunger for all
On Yom Kippur the prophet Isaiah calls on us to feed others’ bodies as part of our day-long fast. Whether you plan to attend in person or on Zoom, at HBT, we make this mitzvah easy for you. Help support the Grow Clinic and Boston Medical center with food donations, grocery store gift cards, or a check (paid to HBT so that we can send one community contribution).
Creating a Holy Space in your Home
To experience the depth of contemplation of the Yamim nora’im (Days of Awe), create a sanctuary in your own home
High Holy Day Services Recordings Available
Watch the High Holy Day services videos at your own time and pace.
Welcome to High Holy Days at Temple Hillel B'nai Torah 5781
Learn more about the High Holy Days schedule and resources for this year.
Creating a Holy Space in your Home
To experience the depth of contemplation of the Yamim nora’im (Days of Awe), create a sanctuary in your own home