“ Is this the fast that I desire? ... to share your bread with the hungry ”
On Yom Kippur the prophet Isaiah calls on us to feed others’ bodies as part of our day-long fast. Whether you plan to attend in person or on Zoom, at HBT, we make this mitzvah easy for you.
Help support the Grow Clinic and Boston Medical center with donations of food, grocery store gift cards, or a check (paid to HBT so that we can send one community contribution).
From now through October 3 you can pick up paper grocery bags from the temple and return the full bags with items from the attached list.
The Grow Clinic also welcomes gift cards to local supermarkets and cash donations. Please make the check out to the Temple, designated for the Grow Clinic. To highlight our collective effort, HBT will send in a single check from all of us.
If you’re unable to pick up groceries but would still like to contribute, please make a monetary donation directly to the Grow Clinic at Boston Medical Center.
Your support is critical at this time and will make an immediate difference in the lives of our neighbors struggling with food insecurity.