Gratitude Corner
Hakarat HaTov at HBT
In Hebrew gratitude is hakarat hatov. Hakarat Hatov is bigger than gratitude, it's recognition for the things we have and the people we sometimes take for granted!
We are thrilled to launch a new section of our newsletter – the HBT Gratitude Corner!
This is a space where members can express their gratitude to other individuals or groups in the HBT community for the special ways that they have made a difference. The Gratitude Corner helps us focus on the positives in our congregation and our lives. Recognizing and thanking others for efforts large and small helps us be present and highlight the good around us.
To send in gratitude fill out this form or email Benita.
From President, Jocelyn Gordon
“As we conclude this unprecedented year, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to HBT staff. Rabbi Penzner, Hilary, Benita, Moreno, Laurie, and all our Chaverim School teachers have gone above and beyond this past year, and I am deeply grateful to them!
Members served on our many committees and task forces this past year: Avodah, Chesed, COVID Preparedness Task Force, Finance, Fundraising, Lifelong Learning, Membership, Operations, Security, School, Shevet Achim-Sanctuary Renewal Campaign Technology, Tikkun Olam and the HBT Board. Some committees were formed in recent months in direct response to the pandemic; others have grown and evolved over a number of years. Over the past months, you shared your time, creativity, and energy to help our congregation continue to engage people in rich and fulfilling ways.
People have thanked me many times over the last six months for taking on the role of President at such an unprecedented time and have complimented me on my abilities. In truth, our community holds and nurtures us because we work together as individuals and in committees joining together and organizing for both our HBT family and the greater community. The work that you do uplifts our congregation and our spirits. Especially this past year, you have made a tremendous difference. Thank you, all…and remember that we always welcome new committee members!”