Newsletter Archive

Where was that Email?

As we change many in person events to online events and support our community during COVID, stay in touch with our weekly Ma Nishtanah newsletter. Ma nishtanah opens the 4 questions of the Passover Seder. It's not a question, but a statement of surprise: "How different is this!".

Do you ever hit delete by accident and need to find the afikomen… rather the Ma Nistanah e-mail? Well now we have you covered, because you can find the most recent newsletters in this archive!

In addition the newsletter may look a little different week to week as we try out new formats and processes. If you have any comments or suggestions contact our volunteer news and webeditor, Janna.

If you haven’t yet please subscribe. The newsletter is generally sent on Thursday afternoons from Please add it to your primary inbox/ contacts.

Posted on October 8, 2020 and filed under HBT News.