Join Rabbi Barbara Penzner in her closing year at Temple Hillel B'nai Torah for an unforgettable trip to Israel.
Family Table
PLEASE drop your donations by the temple at any time so we can honor our commitment to Family Table.
Donate today
Temple HBT in conjunction with Big Brother Big Sister Foundation is collecting clothing, shoes, household textiles and accessories.
Services for Shabbat, Holidays, or Everyday.
You can learn more about our services during the week, Shabbat, and Holidays.
Shabbat service October 9
10:00 - 11:30am
Brian Rosman, celebrating the 50th anniversary of his bar mitzvah, will speak about
"Noah's Ark in the Arizona Desert"
in person and on zoom
Shabbat service October 23
Bar Mitzvah of Barak Madar
10am - 12:15pm
in person and on zoom
Shabbat service November 6
Bar Mitzvah of Eli Nenner-Payton
10am - 12:15pm
in person and on zoom
Shabbat service November 20
Bat Mitzvah of Nora Boatright
10am - 12:15pm
in person and on zoom
Creating a Holy Space in your Home
To experience the depth of contemplation of the Yamim nora’im (Days of Awe), create a sanctuary in your own home
Do you need a Machzor for the High Holy Days?
Pick up your Machzor today!
Chaverim School is for Friends
Registration for the 2021-2022 school year is available. Learn more!
Learn about options to support Mazon and the Grow Clinic in fighting hunger.
Learn about options to support Mazon and the Grow Clinic in fighting hunger.
Donate to Feed the Hungry and End Hunger for all
In past years, during the High Holidays, we have supported the Food Pantry at Boston Medical Center by picking up empty grocery bags at Rosh Hashanah and returning full ones at Yom Kippur. Our support is even more important this year.
High Holy Days at HBT
Registration for High Holy Days will be sent out this summer and the final detailed schedule posted in August.
New Links for Digital Prayerbooks
Find the prayer books for Reconstructing Judaism online.
Gratitude Corner- Hakarat Hatov
The term “gratitude” in Hebrew is translated as “recognizing the good / hakarat hatov.”
Newsletter Archive
Find the most recent Ma Nishtanah newsletters online.
High Holy Day Services Recordings Available
Watch the High Holy Day services videos at your own time and pace.
Welcome to High Holy Days at Temple Hillel B'nai Torah 5781
Learn more about the High Holy Days schedule and resources for this year.
Temple Hillel B’nai Torah Hangs Black Lives Matter Banner on Building in West Roxbury
The dedication ceremony affirms the congregation’s commitment to racial justice.
Creating a Holy Space in your Home
To experience the depth of contemplation of the Yamim nora’im (Days of Awe), create a sanctuary in your own home
Annual Grocery Donations to the Food Pantry at Boston Medical Center
In past years, during the High Holidays, we have supported the Food Pantry at Boston Medical Center by picking up empty grocery bags at Rosh Hashanah and returning full ones at Yom Kippur. Our support is even more important this year.
Pews on the Move! Renovation Begins
Changes are happening to our sanctuary thanks to Shevent Achim. The first week of June, members of Iglesia Evangelica Luz y Vida in Lynn came to accept all of the pews from our sanctuary to fill their newly renovated sanctuary in a former synagogue.
Mental Health and Education Resource Guide and COVID Support
Here is a summary of information you may find helpful to discover resources and supports for you and your family during challenging times.