"Earth," by director Deepa Mehta, is a film that tells a story through the eyes of a child about a group of friends in Lahore, (then in India), now in Pakistan, in a time just before and during the separation of India and Pakistan in 1947. As Roger Ebert wrote: "There are Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Parsees, even a Christian or two. They have lived side-by-side since time immemorial, and the more idealistic think that situation can continue. But as India has proven, along with Northern Ireland, the Middle East and Yugoslavia, many members of all faiths consider it no sin to murder a non-believer." As a reviewer in the NYT put it: "Now that the evil genie of suppressed ethnic hatred has been let out of the bottle and the cycle of eye-for-an-eye violence and retaliation has begun, there is no turning back." There is also a love story, of course, in the mix, and what happens to the innocence of childhood under tragic circumstances. The NYT states: "Earth" is a powerful and disturbing reminder of how a civilization can suddenly crack under certain pressures." This movie is a powerful one. It can serve as an important reminder and cautionary tale in today's world as well as that of 70 years ago.
In addition,
Congregant Judy Pinnolis, former librarian of Brandeis University and teacher of Jewish films in its Osher program, will lead a discussion about the film. Hot drinks and snacks will be offered followed by a congregational candle lighting.
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Earlier Event: December 10
Human Rights Shabbat Service and Kiddush Lunch
Later Event: December 25
Second Light Night