Feeling Right Now, Imagining Beyond: A creative expression workshop
7:00 PM19:00

Feeling Right Now, Imagining Beyond: A creative expression workshop

Let us engage our community in listening and opening to different perspectives on the tragedies and losses accumulated throughout the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. To create a safe and mutually supportive experience/space for holding conflicting and difficult feelings, as well as reaching beyond them into hoping and imagining the future.

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Join Rabbi Aliza and Chloe Zelkha for Yom Kippur
to Oct 12

Join Rabbi Aliza and Chloe Zelkha for Yom Kippur

  • Temple Hillel B'nai Torah (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For all of Yom Kippur, Rabbi Aliza will be joined on the bima by 5th year Reconstructionist rabbinical student Chloe Zelkha, a deep spiritual leader with a gorgeous voice. To learn more about Chloe visit her website HERE.

Rob Kalish will play the cello during Kol Nidre.. We are very excited to be together.  Kol Nidre will begin at 5:45 pm, so please arrive on time or even a few minutes early.. The sanctuary doors will be closed during the chanting of Kol Nidre. If you arrive after Kol Nidre begins, pPlease enter quietly when the usher lets you in and take a seat in the back only; you may move forward afterward.

  It is our custom to wear white.

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