Shabbat Shira with Molly Bajgot
Join us at HBT for Shabbat Shira with Molly Bajgot song and prayer leader.
Join us at HBT for Shabbat Shira with Molly Bajgot song and prayer leader.
Shabbat Kulanu Yachad - All of Us Together
Join us for a memorable evening as we honor outgoing President Raquel Rosenblatt and welcome our new Board. Let's raise a glass and toast to the spirit of our community!
Introducing our Raffle Prize Shop - where every ticket is a chance to win BIG!
Please join Rabbis Toba Spitzer and Sarah Noyovitz for a songful Selichot service and ritual, hosted by Congregation Dorshei Tzedek from 8:00 to 10:00 pm. Feel free to bring a notebook for journaling - markers and index cards will be provided for the ritual.
Learn more & RSVP HERE
Join us for our annual welcome back community cookout and open house!
Come meet our interim Rabbi Sarah Noyovitz!
Reconnect with old friends and make new friends!
Pick up your name tags for the upcoming High Holy Days and learn about HBT Committees.
Please think of making an additional $5 donation to kick start our NEW "Chesed Fund"
RSVP HERE no later than Monday, September 4.
And remember to bring your unaffiliated friends!
Join us for a unique two hour Jewish History program which includes a tour of the Vilna Shul and a walking tour of Beacon Hill's North Slope. Note that the walking tour is the same that Laurie guided April 30th.
Come join the Big Havdalah!
The Allen J. Worters lecture will feature Rabbi Toba Spitzer who will be discussing her book, God is Here: Reimagining the Divine. https://rabbitobaspitzer.net
Rabbi Penzner will lead us from the sanctuary and Rich Moche will sing the traditional Sephardi piyyut (hymn) to end the year of curses and begin the year with blessings.
Eat drink and be inspired ...seeds of change 2022 story slam
Celebrate Pesach with HBT
Check out this episode and join us for a discussion
Join the global movement to change the way people think, act and talk about dementia!
HBT Tikkun Olam Zoom Program*
Many of us are deeply concerned about the increasing threats to our democratic institutions and the escalating tactics of voter suppression especially impacting low income and communities of color.
At our MLK service, which will be in person and on Zoom, Rabbi Barbara will be joined by member Sharin Horvitz on guitar as we sing Freedom Songs and folk songs (introduced by explaining the origins and uses of each song), with instruments and harmony. Not to be missed!
"Period. End of Sentence" a conversation with author Anita Diamant.
October 23, 2021
Rabbi Penzner will lead us from the sanctuary and Rich Moche will sing the traditional Sephardi piyyut (hymn) to end the year of curses and begin the year with blessings.
Come enjoy a cool treat and reconnect with your AMAZING HBT community before the High Holy Days!
HBT’s Story Slam will be an event not to be missed!
Purim scavenger hunt and in-person costume parade in the HBT parking lot --with prizes!
Rabbi Penzner will offer an explanation of the Mitzvah of Mishloach Manot (sending gifts for Purim)
Yad Chessed supports Jewish individuals and families by alleviating economic distress and helping them reach financial stability.
To make a donation to Yad Chessed, click on the link
Michael Silverman is a sports business reporter at the Boston Globe
See the glow of the Hanukkah menorah on Zoom each night of Hanukkah. Join temple members as they host the lighting of the menorah and share a family tradition.
Video Recording Posted.
Rabbi Laura Geller, author of Getting Good at Getting Older and Rabbi Emerita of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills, will be this year's guest speaker.
Join a lively literature discussion group focused on short stories on the theme of ""I-Thou: Respecting the Other". Registration limited to 20 participants.
Following the mincha service, HBT members are invited to a special Yom Kippur vigil for Black Lives, in solidarity with our friends at the weekly vigil at the Holy Name Rotary.
Brings signs and stand socially distant along the sidewalk in front of the temple.
If you plan to attend the parking Lot Neilah at 6:45, please register here [link to the word here] and park your car in designated spaces in the back when you arrive for the vigil.