In addition, the Torah portion includes Miriam and Moses' "Song at the Sea," a joyous celebration of the Exodus from Egypt. In Jewish tradition, this reading is called Shabbat Shirah--the Shabbat dedicated to song.
At our MLK service, which will be in person and on Zoom, Rabbi Barbara will be joined by member Sharin Horvitz on guitar as we sing Freedom Songs and folk songs (introduced by explaining the origins and uses of each song), with instruments and harmony. Not to be missed!
MLK Shabbat will also substitute for Sunday Chaverim School, with programming for all grades who would be meeting on a Sunday.
We will begin at 10am promptly outdoors in the parking lot so that everyone (masked) will sing together. (available on zoom)
From 10:15 - 11:15, students in Kitah Vav-Zayin will join with parents and other adults in the sanctuary for more singing and readings on creating an anti-racist world of justice. (available on zoom)
We will join together again at 11:15, following the service, for another song outdoors. (available on zoom)
We hope you will join us in person! We anticipate no more than 60 people in the room with excellent air circulation and plenty of room for distancing
Everyone must be masked--with KN-95 or similar surgical quality masks. Cloth masks are not permitted.
Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 827 0753 7854
Passcode: 728378
One tap mobile
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