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Food Justice: Shabbat Speaker

Caring for others, Food Aid and Purim

One way we are instructed to celebrate Purim is by giving charity to the poor to help them host a festive meal (Matanot L'evyonim). Separate and in addition to our regular tzedakah (giving of charity), we are told to give directly to at least two individuals. These guidelines provide opportunity to consider how we support others in our community in their sustenance and celebrations.

Come hear Leora Mallach give the D'vat Torah on Saturday, March 11th.


Leora Mallach is the co-founder and director of Ganei Beantown: Beantown Jewish Gardens, a local non-profit building community through food system education framed within Jewish text, tradition and culture. Reminding our community of the connections within Judaism of food and agriculture facilitates a deeper understanding of what sustains us, and engages the Jewish community in the question of how to feed ourselves and the world in a just and sustainable manner. Leora started and ran an organic vegetable garden at Temple Israel for four growing seasons and is excited to be creating new paradigms in the Jewish community.

Earlier Event: February 11
Adam Foss to speak at HBT
Later Event: March 11
Adult Megillah Reading