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Shavuot Service with Yizkor

Services at HBT Wednesday morning, May 31, will include Reading the Book of Ruth, hearing the Decalogue (Ten Commandments),the joyous singing of Hallel psalms, and Yizkor. Our festive kiddush will include cheesecake, a traditional Shavuot treat.

This year will be the first time we will use the Hadesh Yameinu/Renew Our Days Siddur for Shabbat and Festivals--the companion volume to our High Holy Day

machzor, created by Rabbi Ron Aigen z"l. A generous donor made it possible for us to have these books in memory of Rabbi Aigen.

The service begins at 10:00, Yizkor takes place at 11:30, and kiddush will be at 12:30.        

Later Event: June 3
Family Shabbat Service