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Open Sukkah- Reserve your space!

Our Sukkah is open to YOU !

Saturday, October 3, and Friday, October 9!

Make and hang decorations, shake the lulav and etrog, say a bracha, and share a socially-distanced meal under the stars with your family and friends. HBT will provide the table clothes and trash barrels. Please sign up in advance for your sukkah visit to ensure that everyone has a chance to visit and that we can maintain distancing.

Make and hang decorations, shake the lulav and etrog, say a bracha, and share a socially-distanced meal under the stars with your family and friends. HBT will provide the tableclothes and trash barrels.
Our sukkah holds three long tables, so three households can be in the sukkah together. Make a date with your friends to enjoy the airy pleasure of celebrating in the sukkah.

Lulav and etrog will be available to use all week.

Sign up HERE

Sign up HERE

Our Sukkah is open to YOU between Saturday, October 3, and Friday, October 9!

Make and hang decorations, shake the lulav and etrog, say a bracha, and share a socially-distanced meal under the stars with your family and friends. HBT will provide the table clothes and trash barrels. Please sign up in advance for your sukkah visit to ensure that everyone has a chance to visit and that we can maintain distancing.

Make and hang decorations, shake the lulav and etrog, say a bracha, and share a socially-distanced meal under the stars with your family and friends. HBT will provide the tableclothes and trash barrels.

Our sukkah holds three long tables, so three households can be in the sukkah together. Make a date with your friends to enjoy the airy pleasure of celebrating in the sukkah.

Lulav and etrog will be available to use all week.

Earlier Event: October 3
Shabbat and Sukkot  
Later Event: October 10
Shabbat and Shemini Atzeret