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Selichot: Can A Crisis be A Breakthrough?

Selichot: Can a Crisis be a Breakthrough?

Saturday evening, September 12,


Co-sponsored by Congregation Dorshei Tzedek & Temple Hillel B’nai Torah

We gather together for Selichot as we prepare for the Aseret Yamei Teshuvah, the Ten Days of Turning/Returning that begin on Rosh Hashanah.  This contemplative evening, led by Rabbis Barbara Penzner and Toba Spitzer, is an opportunity to engage our minds, hearts and spirits for the task of teshuvah, which we can understand as re-aligning ourselves with our deepest values and aspirations, even--or especially--in a time of difficulty and brokenness. The evening will include study, singing, and personal reflection, and will end with the sounding the shofar.

Rabbi Barbara will share texts using the word "mashber" which means crisis in Hebrew (from the root: to break). These texts reveal a variety of layers to the experience of "breaking," inviting us to consider what this time of crisis means to each of us.   

Rabbi Toba will lead us in a guided meditation 

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