HBT will be holding lay-led Shabbat morning services, in person, throughout July and August.
Services will run 10:00 am - 11:30 am with a light kiddush.
If you are interested in participating in any way, please contact
Susannah Sirkin smsirkin@gmail.com or
Ruth Lederman rlederman617@gmail.com
July 29 - Ari Davidow will be leading the Shabbat service. Ashley Adams will be giving the D'var Torah.
August 5 - Merle Wolofsky will be leading the Shabbat service.
August 12 - Ruth Lederman & Susannah Sirkin will be leading the Shabbat service. Rich Moche will be giving the D'var Torah.
August 19 - Ari Davidow & Stephanie Sher will be leading the Shabbat service.
August 26 - Henry Barber & Stephanie Sher will be leading the Shabbat service.