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Apply for the Larry Diamond Tikkun Olam Youth Award --- Deadline October 21, 2016

Are you a young social justice activist? 
HBT seeks students in high school through age 26 to apply for the;

to be awarded at the Annual Human Rights Shabbat at Hillel B'nai Torah
Friday, December 9th, 10th & 11th 2016
This award honors the legacy of Larry M. Diamond, who was chair of the Tikkun Olam Committee at HBT for two years until his death in 2013. The honoree will receive a small cash award from the Larry M. Diamond Fund at HBT, as well as a travel expenses up to $200.
•    The award is open to anyone from high school to age 26 who is a current member of the HBT community.
•    Candidates will submit an essay describing a longtime project, volunteer activity or other commitment to social justice work, why they got involved, and what they have learned.
•    Candidates will supply one recommendation from someone who has supervised or worked with them in the project or activity described.
•    Candidates must be available to come to HBT for the weekend of Human Rights Shabbat, December 9th, 10th & 11th. The honoree will speak on Friday night, attend the Shabbat morning service featuring a Human Rights speaker, and then speak to our students on Sunday morning.
Deadline for submission is October 21, 2016.
Send all materials to:
Larry M. Diamond Tikkun Olam Youth Award
Temple Hillel B'nai Torah
120 Corey Street
West Roxbury, MA 02132
Many thanks to Larry Diamond's family, including his son, Jonathan, brothers Darryl and Jeff, and partner Linda Chernick, for making this award possible.