First in an occasional series highlighting aspects of the HBT Trip to Israel
Shabbat service with special guest, Nadia Giol, from Sindyanna of Galilee
February 11
Shabbat Yitro
10am - 11:30 am
zoom only
On the Shabbat when the Torah reading's highlight is the Revelation of Torah as a way of creating a life of meaning and purpose, hear about the inspiring work of Sindyanna of Galilee from co-director Nadio Giol. Nadia wowed our group when she spoke to us in December at the Sindyanna Visitor's Center in the Arab village of Kufr Kana.
Sindyanna is known world-wide for its award-winning olive oils, produced by a cooperative that brings women from different backgrounds together, promotes Fair Trade, creates economic opportunities for Arab women, and assists local Israeli Palestinian olive growers and producers.
You can order Sindyanna's exceptional fair-trade olive oil at SERRV.
(Sindyanna has decided to stop selling its products through Amazon.)
The entire service will be on Zoom only (not in person) so that Nadia can join us on Zoom from Israel.
Nadia will also show a brief video about the center.